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Patton's Picks: Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

March 14, 2024

Leadership Resources for the Philanthropic Sector

Getting Things Done

Welcome to this edition of Patton's Picks, where we spotlight Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen. This book was a game changer for me, and a vital tool for nonprofit leaders seeking to enhance their organizational skills and achieve peak productivity without the stress that our "hustle culture" often suggests. It complements the objectives of our Mastermind Leadership Program by providing actionable strategies for managing work and life more effectively. Why is Getting Things Done (GTD) a good read for every nonprofit leader? Here are three key reasons:

You Need to Streamline Your Workflow: Allen's GTD method offers a comprehensive approach to productivity that helps leaders manage their tasks with efficiency and ease. By adopting GTD principles, nonprofit leaders can clear their minds, organize their work, and focus on executing their mission-critical objectives.

You Want to Enhance Personal and Team Productivity: Implementing GTD not only benefits individual leaders but can also transform team dynamics. Leaders who apply GTD principles can guide their teams towards more systematic and stress-free workflows, significantly boosting overall organizational productivity.

You Want to Foster a Stress-Free Work Environment: One of the core benefits of GTD is its focus on reducing stress through organization and clarity of action. For nonprofit leaders, creating a stress-free work environment is crucial for maintaining high levels of engagement and well-being among staff, ultimately leading to more effective mission-driven work.

Stay tuned for more of Patton's Picks, your go-to source for resources that enlighten, challenge, and prepare you for a rewarding journey in nonprofit leadership. Adopt the GTD method with us, and let's collectively streamline our workflows to advance the philanthropic sector with greater efficiency and less stress.

Dr. Patton McDowell, CFRE, MBA, is the creator of the innovative PMA Mastermind Leadership Program, a unique offering designed to elevate nonprofit leaders through comprehensive training and peer collaboration. He is also the author of the best-selling book, Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership, and host of the weekly podcast with the same name, available here. Since founding PMA Nonprofit Leadership in 2009, Patton has strategically guided over 300 nonprofit organizations to achieve their fullest potential. A Certified Fundraising Executive and Master Trainer for AFP Global, he serves as Executive in Residence at Cornell University's Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy and as Director of the Institute for Philanthropic Leadership.