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Patton's Picks: Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges

March 19, 2024
Leadership Resources for the Philanthropic Sector


Welcome to this edition of Patton's Picks, where we spotlight Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy. This book is a treasure trove for nonprofit leaders aiming to confront their greatest challenges with confidence and authenticity. In harmony with the ethos of our Mastermind Leadership Program, Cuddy’s insights offer transformative strategies for embodying presence - unlocking the full spectrum of your leadership potential. Why is Presence essential for every nonprofit leader? Here’s why you’ll want to dive into this book:

You Want to Empower Authentic Leadership: Discover how embodying presence can amplify your authenticity, fostering genuine connections with your team, donors, and the communities you serve. This approach builds trust and fosters a collaborative spirit, laying the foundation for impactful leadership.

You Want to Boost Confidence in High-Stakes Situations: Gain practical techniques for handling high-pressure moments with poise and confidence. Whether it’s pitching to donors, leading crucial meetings, or presenting your vision, the strategies in Presence will help you shine in the moments that matter most.

You Want to Enhance Resilience and Adaptability: Learn to navigate challenges with resilience, turning adversity into an opportunity for growth. Embracing the principles of presence equips you with the adaptability needed to thrive in the dynamic nonprofit landscape, ensuring you and your organization can weather any storm.

Stay tuned for more of Patton's Picks, your essential guide to resources that challenge, enlighten, and prepare you for a rewarding leadership journey. By embracing the principles of presence together, we can foster a more confident, authentic, and effective approach to leadership within the philanthropic sector.


Dr. Patton McDowell, CFRE, MBA, is the creator of the innovative PMA Mastermind Leadership Program, a unique offering designed to elevate nonprofit leaders through comprehensive training and peer collaboration. He is also the author of the best-selling book, Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership, and host of the weekly podcast with the same name, available here. Since founding PMA Nonprofit Leadership in 2009, Patton has strategically guided over 300 nonprofit organizations to achieve their fullest potential. A Certified Fundraising Executive and Master Trainer for AFP Global, he serves as Executive in Residence at Cornell University's Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy and as Director of the Institute for Philanthropic Leadership.