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Engage Your Audience With a Dynamic Speaker

Dr. Patton McDowell, MBA, CFRE

Nonprofit Expert, Leadership Coach, and Speaker

Bestselling Author of Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership and host of the Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership Podcast.


"That was the best - and most inspirational - session at AFP’s International Conference."

Conference Attendee, Las Vegas, May 4, 2022

Dr. Patton McDowell knows what it takes to build a successful career in nonprofit leadership. As a sought-after speaker, he shares his practical tools with audiences everywhere. As the President of PMA Nonprofit Leadership, he helps others make an even greater impact on the communities they serve.

Patton brings 30 years’ experience as a global leader in the philanthropic sector who has worked with nearly 300 organizations and their leaders. His signature talks provide practical advice and motivation for current leaders and those aspiring to join the nonprofit leadership community. Patton helps them better define their goals and illustrates a clear path to achieve them, and includes resources and action steps audiences can leverage right away.

Signature Talks and Workshops

  • 1. Seven Steps to Successful Leadership

    How do you turn your desire to lead a philanthropic organization into a reality?From his best-selling book, Patton shares the seven stops along the path, as well as associated resources and exercises to advance your leadership journey.

  • 2. Five Keys to Organizational Excellence

    What differentiates the best nonprofit organizations from those seeking greater impact? Patton breaks down the five keys and offers implementation strategies to achieve each of them.

  • 3. Building A Dynamic Board of Directors

    How do you maximize the time and talent of your most dedicated volunteers? Through his work with dozens of organizations and their staff
    and volunteer leadership, Patton describes the characteristics of the most successful boards and how you can move your organization closer to
    the ideal level of engagement.


"Patton always delivers as a dynamic speaker and facilitator for both our board and staff leadership."

Jim Broschart, Associate Vice Chancellor, University
Development; Vice President, NC State University Foundation


"Our attendees were delighted to receive a
copy of the book to complement his great

Stephanie Keaney, Associate Director, NC Association of Independent Schools

Past Speaking Engagements

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